Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Renard/Jackal Queenston/Lapfox Trax

Generally I have been looking into furries, and fursuits, but ill go more into that in another post. More importantly, Lately I've been doing research on Renard Queenston and his aliases. I discovered Renard's music back in 2012 and I've been a fan ever since. I was really really into electronic music then, and Lapfox Trax was one of my favorites. Finding Lapfox was something that really boosted my interest in furries,  I really loved all of the artwork for some of the albums, the artwork for Lapfox is mostly done by "Squeedgemonster". A lot of the albums are very vibrant and colorful which I am not a fan of, but I can enjoy Squeedge's art style.

 My favorite alias is definitely Jackal Queenston. A nazi Jackal/German Shepherd hybrid who produces drum and bass music, usually having dark themes related to violence and power. Seriously one of the coolest character designs I have ever seen.

(Credits to Squeedgemonster for all artworks)

He's a cutie, that's for sure. I love how Sharp he looks, the art style is sharp and angular, which really makes him much more menacing looking. I can really appreciate a character who is simple yet has some personality to them. Although I really wish he had more of a backstory and personality besides being a badass nazi, I know he is meant to be a character that represents a form of music, but I really love this guy. I want more.I feel like a lot more depth can go into this character and it could go really far. Imagine seeing this guy in a comic about the Third Reich where the Nazis are German Shepherds and the Jews are Cats? Similar to the ideas of the comic "Maus". A little too similar actually.... Haha. Or even seeing this guy in an animation of some sort would be cool as fuck. I want to hear his thoughts, see him move, hear his voice. I really would love to see this character come to Life. There are so many "fursonas" who have no personality and are really fucking flat and boring and have that glazed look in their big anime eyes. They've got nothing to them, they're just a character and thats it. But Jackal has so much potential I think.

I'm surprised that nobody's made a fursuit of him yet, there's one of the Renard character:

but no Jackal.
(I'm so tempted to do it myself)
Unfortunately Jackal is a very underappreciated character, and there's a lot of really shitty fanart of him which mostly consists of people tracing Squeedge's artworks. Its disappointing.

I would really like to contact Renard and ask him about the creation of Jackal and if he ever plans to use him for more than just a mascot. But what sucks is that Renard is really hard to contact now ever since the rape incident with Nishimura (his girlfriend at-the-time). Although I'm not going to get into that because I haven't looked into it yet and I'm not sure if its bullshit or not. All I know is that Ren is hard to contact ever since she accused him of rape and he shut down his social media accounts. (I'm sure plenty of people were harassing him). He still actively makes music though. So far I have only mentioned Jackal, but I also like some of his other aliases too, Kitsune^2 and Renard Queenston are good too. I actually havent listened to ALL of the Lapfox stuff yet, because I honestly don't love all of it. There are songs that I cherry pick from albums that I really like, and the rest I can leave behind. If you're into electronic stuff and want to check it out, here are some of my favorites:

Well thats all I got. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Hello if you can contact me, I am also wanting to get in touch with Renard. I bought the Renard fursuit and am attempting to get in touch in regards to the character ^°^ here is a link to my Facebook, and on telegram I am @SynisterFewwet
    Thanks <3! https://www.facebook.com/ashley.cutshaw.lucid
